Friday, September 14, 2012

Glitter everything!

Today I shall be showing you people how to make some old thrift store shoes into new glittery ones!

 First things first, don't be afraid of thrift store shoes. They clean them at the store, and then you can also disinfect them when you get them home. I found a pair of Maurices brand, black heals at a local thrift store. They happened to be my size, and at the time I thought they were cute, so I bought'm. A few weeks later when I remembered that I had bought them, I dug them out and realized that they are very uncomfortable and not exactly my style. So I went straight to my stash of Modge Podge and glitter.

Supplies needed:
  • Glitter (in however many colors you want, I chose two)
  • Paint brush
  • Modge Podge
  • Spray sealer

Step one;
Pick the glitter color(s) you want to use on your shoes. Also, the shoes I used had a leather bow on the sides and I decided to rip that off. Which aided in the looking better and better part. So, anyways, choose what color(s) you want, then clean off the outer part of the shoe as best as you can.

I chose black & green.
Figured I could wear them on St.Patrick's Day or Christmas

Step 2;
Apply a thick layer of Modge Podge to the aoe, area of effect for you non gamers. But to the area that you want to be glittery. Since I did two colors, I started with the black, I only put modge podge below the little dotted border thing. When I say a thick layer, I do mean a good helpin of it. Just incase it starts to dry while you're still applying the podge. Do one shoe at a time, and when you get all the podge on take your glitter and shake it all over it. Try to avoid the inside of the shoes. I didn't and when I tried them on, my feet came out sparkly. Now when you have glitter all over the podged area you're good to set the shoe down and let it dry. I should probly note to have a paper plate or something underneath it to catch the glitter that didn't stick. Take the leftover glitter and put it back in the capsule. Rinse and repeat for the next shoe!

Step 3;
Next up is the green! I love green! Ok, so now if you are doing multicolor shoes then apply another layer of the podge over the aoe. Same as before, sprinkle the glitter on. Rinse and repeat.

Step 4;
Not done yet! After both shoes are completely dry take one in hand, face them soul to soul, and thwack them together! Don't be scared, just do it.  Not to hard though. This will knock off some glitter that doesn't belong. Set the shoes down, possibly clean up the mess, and take the podge out again and put another thin - medium thick layer on with your paint brush by dabbing/patting it on there. Don't swipe the glitter or it'll result in bad things.

Step 5;
When the final layer of podge is dry take them outside and spray them over with a waterproof sealer. I used Modge Podge brand because I worship all things Modge Podge. It doesn't take long to dry, so spray 2-3 coats of it and you are finished!

Final Outcome: Glittery Shoes

If you have any questions or comments don't be afraid to ask!
Thanks for reading, have a awesome weekend!


  1. Did you have any problems with the green glitter sticking to the black part of the shoes?

  2. and why haven't you worn these to work?!? :D

  3. Green glitter is like kryptonite, super resistant. And they hurt my feet. :/
