Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Pumpkin Festival!

It's over. Finally over. Thank goodness for that.
Well, this years was kind of a flop for me. All the work I did cranking out bottles, coasters, and paintings... was for little to nothing. I sold 3 bottles, one to my aunt, and a few sets of coasters. No painting sold at all. I could hear people when they walked by say "well, I could just do that at home". I wanted to walk over there and say "Fine. The go frikken do it!"
I charged 3 bucks for a bottle. That's not a lot at all. So, I'm not sure i'll do it again next year. It was so much stress and work for so little profit. I do enjoy making things, but now I'm stuck with a bunch of stuff I would rather not have. Like bottles that say "Faith" and "love".
I am not exactly heartbroken that certain paintings didn't sell... They can go on my wall now.
Well, here are a few pictures of the booth I shared with my friend and fellow crafter. Our setup was much better than last year, so I'm pretty happy bout that. Our booth and Facebook page is called O.ophoria. Look us up! Plus, all my leftover stuff is listed on there for sale.

The crocheted hats and mason jars were made by Stephanie, the carved flowers and boot Birdhouses by my uncle, and the table with the coasters on the blue tablecloth was made by another friend, and Stephanie's sister, Sabrina.

Thanks for tuning in!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Quick Craft - Glitter Bottles

Hello fellow crafters! I finally have a smidge of time to post another blog. Woop Woop! Its not going to be a big one, but its glittery, so its awesome. Btw, update on the Pumpkin Festival; I've got everything I wanna sell made. YAY! But now I need to make a few things to display them on, booo. Oh well, more crafting!

Here is another quick craft, super easy, and very glittery!

Supplies needed:

  1. Make sure your bottles are clean and dry.
  2. When using glitter, use the fine (tiny particles) glitter

Step One:
Stick the funnel into the bottle and slowly pour the pledge into the bottle. Try to not let it foam, the foam prevents the glitter from sticking. Only fill the bottle about 1/8 full, then twirl the bottle around, don't shake, and coat all of the inside of the bottle. Then pour the remains back into the pledge bottle.

Step Two:
Pick your glitter color, and pour a good amount into the bottle. Don't use the funnel, it'll only stick to the sides. Put your palm over the opening of the bottle and shake it all around. This should allow the glitter to coat all of the bottle, if not just pour more glitter in. The pour the leftover glitter onto the paper plate.

Let it sit for about an hour, then Viola! You have a pretty glittered bottle!

See, easy peasy.

Here are some examples:

If you have any questions about this just leave me a comment, and I will get back with you pretty fast!
Bye bye!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Quick tip on organizing & safety.

Here is a good tip kiddies: after you use a x-acto blade set, always make sure you put it up. Otherwise you may leave it on your sofa... And then sit on the open box... And rip a pair of pants... Also while getting a slit scrape on your tookus. Just thought you guys should know this. Happy crafting, and have an excellent weekend.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Glittery Glassware

HEY GUYS! Sorry I haven't posted anything for a long while. I have been swamped with getting things ready for the Pumpkin Festival. So much crafting! I made 15 sets of coasters Saturday and Sunday  each set has for tiles. I worked on bottles all last week; and these past few days I've worked on bottle cap magnets and necklaces. Its insane.

So for this blog, i'm gonna keep it short, sweet, and glittery! Time to bust out the glitter and podge!

Supplies Needed:

  • Glass item - Such as a candle plate, wine flute, martini glass.
  • Modge Podge
  • Various glitter colors
  • Paintbrush
  • Painters tape
  • Paper plates.

Step One:
Once you have picked the glass item you want to add some glitter too, tape off the area that shall be glittered.

Step Two:
Add podge to the area that is in the taped off section. A decent layer of it to, nice and thick.

Step Three:
Pour on the glitter! Hold the glass over the paper plate and sprinkle the glitter onto the podged area. Its ok if it gets onto a non podged area cause it'll just come right off. You cannot put to much glitter on it. Once you have a nice thick coat all over the podged area you shouldn't be able to see any white of the podge. Shake and tap the item to get the loose glitter off. Its ok, don't panic about it. Glitter goes pretty far. Take the tape off before it dries; the tape might pull up all your work once it hardens.
Let it dry completely.

Step Four:
Once the podge on the jar is dry pat another decent layer of podge over the glittered area. This will just seal it in. Once that layer has dried spray it with an acrylic-water proof sealer. Then viola!, you have a perty glittered glass!

Here are some examples:

This blog is going to be fairly sparse until the after the Pumpkin Festival, which is the 20th of this month. So maybe i'll post another thing before then, maybe not. We shall see; stay tuned for more awesomeness!

Bye everybody!